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Material Purchase Management

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Warehouse Personnel 

are responsible for receiving materials; inspecting for correct items, quantities, and possible damage/nonconformity; stocking items; and forwarding paperwork to the Procurement Manager.

Accounts Payable 

is responsible for paying invoices.

The Procurement Manager

 is responsible for reviewing receiving/inspection documentation, contacting vendors in case of damaged shipments or discrepancies, and forwarding documentation to Accounts Payable.

The Quality Assurance Manager 

is responsible for conducting detailed examinations of incoming materials when required; recommending acceptance or rejection of goods to the Procurement Manager; and review, analysis, and reporting of receiving/inspection data.


Certificate of Analysis (C of A) – Supplier’s written statement, authorized by contract or purchase order, certifying that supplies or services comply with contract requirements based on quantitative instrumented physical or chemical analysis of representative samples taken from the shipment accompanying the certificate.

Certificate of Conformance (C of C) – Supplier’s written statement, authorized by contract or purchase order, certifying that supplies or services comply with contract requirements, signed by a responsible individual, and displaying part number and version number, buyer’s purchase order (PO) number, PO date, and PO revision number. Also called “Certificate of Compliance”.

Direct-to-stock (DTS) – Parts/supplies placed directly into stock without inspection; done to reduce duplicate inspections and where a vendor has a history of providing satisfactory quality.

First article inspection (FAI) – Process monitoring of key characteristics to ensure that parts can be manufactured continually, inexpensively, in compliance with specifications, and with minimum variation.

Positive recall – Where incoming product is released for urgent production purposes prior to verification, it is positively identified and recorded in order to permit immediate recall and replacement in the event it is found not in conformance to specified requirements.

ISO Receiving Inspection Activities

Receiving and Stocking

Detailed Inspection

Items Received on Certificate of Conformance or Certificate of Analysis

Receiving/Inspection Review



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